Pandora- A survivor

I picked my grandmother up from Greensboro on Friday afternoon.  She is a talker like me, so she talked in between her nodding off to sleep.  She told me about how she made sure her family always had food on the table because my sorry grandfather didn’t do what a man should do. I began to realize that I am alot like her in many respects.  She is a mover and a shaker.  I am a mover and a shaker.  She loves to travel. I love to travel.  She is very outspoken. I am very outspoken.   She survived domestic abuse and is still kicking.  I survived an abusive relationship and I am still kicking.  She is a beautiful person at 80 and I pray that the Lord allows me to see my 80th birthday.  I am much more like her than anyone would have ever known.  Talking with her made me realize that I don’t deserve less than God’s best when it comes down to a mate.  She survived her ordeal so she could tell us about it and so i would never make that mistake.  I thank God for my Grandmother.  She is the best!!!

Diversity Counsel

Yesterday I was privileged to take part in a diversity counsel at work.  I work for a major appliance company that is somewhat stuck in the good ole boy system.  I happen to call it the machine.  So we were invited to talk about diversity on Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday (a day which we NEVER get off).  Our new CEO is a man of color so I guess he felt the need.  Well, the panel or participants were mostly people who manage others and are persons of color as well.  Most were African American, Latino and people of Indian (Hindustan) descent.  The presentation was enlightening and I really hope that the company takes on a mindset that will allow us to diversify at all levels. 

The Saga of the Keys

On Friday January 15th I lost my keys.  I went to lunch and came back to go straight into a meeting in the CSG conference room.  I arrived at 1:10 and didn’t leave the conference room until 5:45.  I thought I had my keys at that point.  I printed off my grocery shopping list and prepared to leave but I couldn’t find the keys.  I immediately thought that a coworker that I sat next to in the meeting had my keys… I didn’t have her number so I sent a message on Facebook to one of her close friends who works with us… thank God for technology…. he responded immediately.  I called her and she didn’t have the keys.  I walked back to the conference room to see if I threw them in the trash (that was a possibility)… I was in such a hurry and I really couldn’t remember where I put them.  The trash was gone.. I went into a slight panic mode and went to find Mr. Paul so he could tell me where the trash was located… he pointed to a big pile of trash.. I asked him if we could go through it.. He said, “I wouldn’t do this for anyone else”.  He gave me a pair of rubber gloves and I proceeded to sift through all kinds of nasty garbage.  I saw all sorts of strange things in the trash from fingernails to a piece of weave.. LOL. .. I found my bag that had the scraps of my baked potato and salad but there were no keys to be found… never sifted through trash like that before.. I decided that I needed to check the car at the suggestion of a co-worker, Marie.  We went outside with a flash light to seee if we could see inside the car.  The keys were not visible, so I decided to use my insurance company, GEICO, to call a lock smith.  The lock smith was promised to be there within an hour.  We walked to Walmart.  I had a buggy with items in it, but I received a call from the lock smith.  He was at my car.  He opened the door and I looked frantically… but NO KEYS.. the Car alarm was going off… embarassment set in.. I decided to call my dad… I walked back inside of the building and he fussed at me to retrace my steps.. I felt like he was trying to play Sherlock Holmes.. I am a good step retracer and I hardly lose things because I know how to calm down and back track.  My manager called me and asked if I needed her to come help.  Well she and her daughter looked all over our place of employment.  NO KEYS!.. We decided to go into the annex building…. NO KEys.. so I decided that perhaps another co worker might have picked them up, but I didn’t have a number for her.. so I called Brett to see if he had her number because they worked together at a previous company… I got the machine… We tried to text and call my new manager, but she didn’t answer.. we sat in silence for about 3 minutes and I decided to call the HR manager to get Christa’s number.. When I explained what happened she laughed and said let me see what I can do.. in the meantime Jean finally replied to our calls and texts and told us to go through Christa’s phone log because she would have no doubt called her own home.. I checked the log, got the number, and called her.  She said she hadn’t picked the keys up either.  I finally gave up at that point.  A lock smith would have to come and make a new key in the morning.  I had one more issue.. I didn’t have a house key either.. I called my landlord… He wasn’t home but his wife was.. so CIndy, Molly, Mr. Mace, and I headed to Pepperidge to get a key.  When i got there, she gave me a key ring with 6 keys on it because she said that Wells didn’t know which key it was… Oh boy.. well when I got to the door, none of the keys worked.. MAN! So Mr. Mace drove me to my parents house.. where I borrowed the green lincoln to go meet my landlord for the right key.  He came pretty quick and was able to open the door… I sat in the house after I let the dog out to use the restroom.  I decided to call GEICO again to get the car towed.  They gave me a reference number…about 5 minutes later the tow guy called and talked me out of getting the car towed that night.  I laid down and went to sleep.  I woke up at about 3pm to a text message from BRETT saying.. “Hey this is BRETT. Please call me, ur keys are in my top drawer at the office.  I thought you would notice you didn’t have them. I feel ljust like an —… please call me and I will bring them to  u and I will pay for any inconvenience I caused u”…

All I could do was laugh… He got me good.. but pay back is gonna be sweet!!!!

The Book of Eli

The book of Eli is a wonderful film that should cause all people who are Saved or Christian (whichever you prefer to call yourself) to look at themselves and see if they have the word down in them.  There are several lessons here:

  1. It is important to hear what God says and walk it out even if you can’t see it.
  2. It is imperative that we stay on the course that God has laid out before us
  3. We must protect the anointing at any cost
  4. We have to watch as well as pray
  5. We have to give thanks in the midst of what we are going through
  6. We must get the Word of God inside of us
  7. We are a light in themidst of darkness and some people will only read our lives.
  8. The word of God is sharp and powerful
  9. We must have determination that nothing will stop us once we have heard the assignment that God has given us
  10. We must get the word down in us and be ready to answer any man when asked why we believe in Jesus. 
  11. We can’t afford to be distracted.  When distractions are present it is more than likely a trick of the adversary to get us off course.  We have to be sensitive in the spirit to recognize when we are about to be under attack.  Get the word ready to slay your enemy. 
  12. Write the word on the tables of your heart. 
  13. Even though you might get knocked down, you have get up and keep pushing. 
  14. Know that it aint over until God says. 
  15. Finish the race.. at any cost   
  16. When God tells you to go, he will provide for you
  17. Everyone cannot go with you where God tells you to go, you have to be willing to walk away from some things and people
  18. When God tells you to destroy your enemy, don’t leave them alive.  They will creep back up later and you’ll be wishing you listened. 
  19. Pray for discernment and know people after the spirit and not the flesh.
  20. There is a high price to pay for the anointing. 

Great Movie.. My Rating: A

First Entry for 2010

Well alot has transpired since my last visit to my blogg spot.  I love blogging.. but sometimes I put it to the side.  Well here I go again.

It’s 2010! A new year and a year that is my year.  I’m gonna shine in every way: Work, home, church, personally, spiritually… Did I say in every way?

I’ve been doing alot of cooking lately.  I am trying to shed some pounds and save some money.  So I’ve been bringing my lunch every day and cooking when I get home at night.  I’ve cooked everything from lemon pepper salmon to rosemary pork chops.  They have all been wonderful means.  I just wanted to cook something different… not the normal stuff like fried pork chops, roast, chicken, or cube steak. I’m in an experimental mood when it comes to cooking. 

I am also in the middle of planning my college gospel choir reunion…should I say execution of the reunion..

I am writing a play about the story of RUTH.  I am researching it now and I have act 1 finished.  I have to beef it up some.

I have several other writing projects in the hopper

Again 2010 is going to be a fabulous year!!!

Don’t Think the Obvious when you read ANYTHING on here

When I write a blog on here I am not discussing the obvious.. so please if you are in my life still as a friend, don’t think that I am talking about you… I’m too grown for that.. If I have a problem, I’ll call you to talk about it.. so don’t think the obvious.. some behaviors are universal, but it doesn’t mean that it will universally get on my nerves such as what I mentioned this morning in the Sports Fisherman blog… “serial texters”… people have no idea how many stupid outlandish texts I receive from sports fishermen… some I have dealt (to no avail) with and others I have not…

I would hope that some would think of me better than that.. Those I am speaking of are not a part of my life… trying but not a part..

Well, there you have it..


It’s Been a Day

It has truly been a long day here at work..
People are in scramble mode and it just bothers me
If the big dogs say that it is going to rain bubble gum we will get out buckets to catch it..
If they say that it will snow tomorrow, everyone will look for it.
Why do we lose what we know when someone has the microscope on? If anything you should shine through like the gem that you are. A diamond doesn’t try to be an onyx when we put it up on the black velvet..
We should just be who we are.. we are the “experts”. I understand taking advice and learning but where do we stop tap dancing?

Just some thoughts..

Sport Fishermen

Steve Harvey has something he calls “sport fishing'”. I’m going to add to the definition.
If a guy only calls you or talks to you when no one else knows that you guys are talking, then he is just sport fishing. This includes the serial text messagers. If a dude only texts and never picks up the phone to talk, you are a sports fish..
He’ll throw you back because you are not a keeper.
If you have no standards, then you are just a sports fish.. You’re not a keeper.
This is no one’s fault but your own so don’t get mad when you get used

Don’t pine over the negro.. get a life and get some standards..
Guys will only treat you the way that you let them treat you.. Love yourself.
If you meet a sports fisherman, RUN!!!! and don’t look back. Once people show you who they are, believe them. You can’t change a person. They will only change when they get ready.

Ladies we deserve soooooooooooo much more than what we have accepted.

Seriously, In my personal life now begin the days of the fembot until the person with the master key cracks the complex code of this female heart and earns/deserves/ and proves trustworthy enough to receive all that I have to give.

I know I write about love a lot, this is the last day unless I have some funny story to tell about some sports fisherman’s attempt to “catch” me if you will.

On to the days of my purpose and destiny.

Letting it go and walking away for the last time.. no circling back.. no wandering around the same mountain.. making a 180 and going in the opposite direction.

How do you know?

Well how do you know when to cut someone loose from your life?

1. They always bring up what you used to do
2. They are not truthful with you and when caught in the lie, they refuse to own up to their mistake.
3. The person isn’t progressing in any area of their life.
4. The person has no hopes or dreams outside of your hope and dreams
5. The person has no goals or plans
6. The person doesn’t celebrate your successes.
7. The person starts doing things that they used to do (if they were saved now they go clubbing, smoking, drinking, etc).
8. The person is always withdrawing from your life but never making a deposit.
9. The person is never brutally honest about a sensitive matter..

These are the ones that I can think of right now.. I am sure there are many others.. Post them here if you wish to..

Atmospheric Shifts

Well I know that prayer and warfare truly changes things.. I believe that with my whole heart. I can’t say much about it but just know that warfare is accomplished. God will do just what he said and the word works.. so where I was feeling like walking away, God reassured me (as he always does) to stand still and allow him to work it out.. He is truly an awesome God.