The professor!!

Okay so I just found out that a dear old friend thinks that i am cute…
He is a flat foot sangin nice dressin brotha…. who happens to be a shop-a-holic and often broke beyond what I could ever imagine…. LOLOLOLOL
So he was scared to ask for my number at the conferenc because he was embarrassed when we were in the hotel lobby… he asked me to step into his office and I was like what the %^$##@… Again i dont’ curse so you fill in the blanks…
He doesn’t want children.. says he prefers a dog because they don’t cost so much.. that would be his shopping money.. what kinda crap is that!!
he is too deep…. doesn’t like scary movies.. says it would mess with his spirit.. LOL… just learned how to bowl.. and skate.. what kinda negro grew up in the 80’s and don’t know how to skate? Amazing!!!
I ended up gettin his number from a friend so that I could email his pictures to him.. he’s a nice person but a big baby and would need far too much attention from me… I am the female you know..
He didn’t even have money to put in his gas tank upon his return home after the convention because he purchased some $350 gators… wow! Then he was like I know you are feelin me… I was like I don’t know what gave you that idea..
Well this was an F-project.. so we are just friends..

AIM Convention Night 1

Okay so we are in Texas filming church people gone wild.. naw just kidding… I am having a good time. I wish that we were all in the same hotel though.. My luggage got lost and then found, but I can’t get in it because the zipper is now broken. It is a sad scenario. I can’t help but to question why so many of the good looking guys here are all gay looking. It seems like someone spread a virus around here and all the dudes wrists got broken.. This is where all the black men in the church are going to.

We are now in the lobby where there is only cheese pizza with topings for sale for about 1 dollar a piece.

We sat in a set with Doobie Powell… He is a beast!!!! I love it…
Can’t help but think of James now… so anyway… I’m out