Natural Hair parade and festival in Dallas Texas – WOW!!!

I recently went natural. It has almost been a year since my big chop.  I wore my hair out for the first time in November 2010. 
Most people say that it makes them feel free.. well I am free from relaxers so that’s money saved and from curling irons.. hopefully that has helped my power bill… I’m also free from blow dryers and hood dryers.  I like my hair texture but don’t get it twisted… it’s nothing to see me in a drawstring ponytail or a wig if I feel like it.  I think of hair as an accessory and it can change too…

Okay so…

This parade and festival will take place on September 3rd, 2011.  Erykah Badu is a special guest on that day.  It is a totally free event and it begins at the Wynnewood Shopping Center,655 W. Illinois Ave. and ends at the Naturally Isis Beckley location, 2642 S. Beckley.

They are trying to get 400 people to march on that day and they are asking people to Tweet This: “Natural Hair Parade & Festival by @Naturallyisis Sept. 3, 2011 Dallas, TX #Naturalhair #Laboroflove FREE RSVP “. 

So if you’re in the area, go out and see the parade of natural hairstyles.  Log on to for more details.

For now enjoy some of these natural hairstyles.. I like to look for different goals for my hair and some of these are mine.. Feel free to comment and let me know how you felt after your big chop or now that you are natural…